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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
March 28, 2011
Newtown Hook & Ladder
Called to Order at 7:10 p.m.

Commissioners Present:   Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk.

Marshal’s Present:  Halstead, Frampton, Ober and Zilinek.


        MOTION: Goosman made a motion to approve the minutes of February 28th as presented.
        SECONDED:  Jossick

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation – None

Fire Marshals Report:

Halstead reported:
  • For the month of February there were 103 calls, 483 incidents and 408 hours worked.   $50 in permits collected.
  • Total damage was $10,000 for the month.  
Meeting with the Committee for Relay for Life.
NHS parking issues.
Frampton fire drill Adventure Center.
Zilinek doing school poster contest.
Dry hydrant repair list given to McCarthy.
Met with North Eastern – all 4 pagers will need to be replaced.  New portables cost $537.36.  Chiefs to let the Fire Marshal know how many pagers they have.  5’s need to be reprogrammed.  Portables and radios already completed.
Channel 9 – meets requirements.  
  • Old portables could have an issue when they get reprogrammed – they could fail.  The Fire Marshal will continue to report on this issue.  A dollar amount needs to be put in the upcoming 2012/2013 budget in order to do the work in July 2012.  January 1st 2013 this will take effect.  Halstead will be the main point of contact regarding the narrow banding.  Any information needs to be directed through Bill Halstead.  
  • Request through the Federal Government to put in for the pay per call.  $7,909 reimbursement being requested.
Standing Committees:

Budget – Burton reported   the current budget 2011/2012 is with the Legislative Council.  The budget committee would report on the paid driver response improvement program to the individual departments as to where we stand with dollars – end of quarter.
Truck – McCulloch reported:
  • #339 had its minor issues fixed.  Dodgingtown purchased extrication equipment with the money from #221 and the sale of the old #221.  Getting bids on install – roughly $4K left to use.  
  • Annual donation from the Newtown Lion’s Club in the amount of $750 to split evenly between all five fire departments.    Cragin to send thank you letter to Walt Schweikert.
Radio – no report

Policy and Procedures – no report

Hydrant – Wlasuk reported Charney needs to get repairs completed.  A few hydrants have already been fixed.

Purchasing Agent – looking into back up camera for Hawleyville.  Jossick to find out more information and get back to Burton.   Botsford put in a training request for a Petzl Class.  Request had been paid to Botsford.  Subsequently it was brought to my attention that the bill was never paid to the instructor.  I then paid the instructor directly Botsford received an extra $1K in training money as McCarthy got paid for work directly from the BOFC.  This $1K will be deducted from a future Botsford training request.  

Dugan asked if the turnout gear for Dodgingtown will be ordered in black.  Cragin stated that the combined chiefs would like turnout gear to remain the same color.  Burton will not purchase black turnout gear.

No new report on NH&L building at this time.

NUSAR – no report.

Old Business:    None

New Business:
Spare Truck:  McCulloch asked to have the commissioners go back to their respective fire houses and get their opinion on the use of the spare truck and if it is needed.  It costs about $5K a year to maintain.  There are enough engines in the town to cover for any other department if they have a truck out of service.  Rob asked if this information can be discussed at the next regular monthly meeting.

Burton commented that from a budgeting standpoint this money could be used elsewhere within the fire departments.

MOTION:   Burton made a motion to approve Sandy Hook’s training request in the amount of $4192.00 for5 people registering for extrication class and airfare to and from Ohio (Jeltem, Clark, Lasher, Paloian, and Stoyak).
SECONDED:  McCulloch

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey
Secretary BOFC